Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My fish

How many fish does he have?  

Is that fish born?

Are those fish gold or silver?

I didn't know fish are red!


 That is a pretty Christmas tree!

Is that a daddy and a boy? 

Is that a mommy and two sister's?

 I like Christmas!

Friday, December 20, 2013


 Who is the most baddest waiter off all?
                                                            Darth waiter!

What did the cop say to the parked frog?
                                                               Hop out!

What did the dog say to the cat?
                                                   Hello kitty!

What do you say to a jam on the first of January?
                                                                              Happy Jamuary!

What time is it when a Dinosaur sits on your Christmas tree?
                                                                                               Time to get a new Christmas tree!

                                                                                               Jokes are funny!


OOH! A chocolate cupcake! Is she two?     

WHAT! Baby's girls have beards! 

Did she get a backpack?

What did she get?

                                                                                                    Birthdays are fun!